The client wanted to easily fill canisters from a large IBC container. The fluid is a component for PUR foam and has a honey-like viscosity. So filling a canister takes over a minute.
Obviously the operator won’t stay there waiting. But if the person “quickly does something else” that may not be as “quick” as planned, the disaster will happen: The canister overflows and there is a sticky mess.
So the solution is a cost-effective device with a motorized valve and a scale. The usage could not be simpler:
- Add an empty canister. Press the calibration button in the back, the valve opens, you see it fill, you press again once the desired level is reached.
- Add an empty canister. Press the dosing button on the front and do something else. The valve will automatically close once the desired weight is reached.
- In case of power loss the valve also closes automatically.
- There is also a web interface, accessible via WiFi, that allows for a detailed parametrization.